
Dimitra Evangelopoulou
Yoga instructor Dimitra Evangelopoulou is a certified Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin yoga and Pilates teacher who has been practicing yoga for 6 years in Thessaloniki, Rhodes and other Greek islands.
Dimitra has also conducted yoga master classes.
Her passion and mission is to enhance people’s well-being through yoga, meditation and breathing techniques.
George Patounas
Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner
Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher Practitioner (licence 335)
Grand Master Practitioner Teacher – Lemurian Atlantic Healing (Higher form of Reiki)
Deep Tissue Massage
Dry Needling
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
Justice of the Peace (Qual), Dip MCA, MCP, GCPM
Wanting to learn more, he enrolled in a Degree Course in TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine. This gave him a higher learning about Chi (The bodies Energy centre, and how to heal the human body. After that he embarked on his new path of Healing through Massage, Moxa Therapy and Acupuncture.

Susan Evans
Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher Practitioner (license 334)
Mindfulness and Meditation
Crystal Healing, Sound and Energy Therapies
Give this change for yourself and join with us.

Susan Evans
Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher Practitioner (license 334)
Mindfulness and Meditation
Crystal Healing, Sound and Energy Therapies
Give this change for yourself and join with us.
Trips to the yoga camps start and end in Rhodes, max 15 people per group.
Length of the yoga camp: 1 week (direct flights with Novatours are recommended).
Price: 1200.- EUR without flight ticket.
Price includes:
✓ Transfer from the airport to the accommodation and back to the airport at the end of the camp.
✓ Accommodation in a small and cosy aparthotel by the sea, in double rooms.
✓ Meals: breakfast in the aparthotel and lunch and dinner in a traditional Greek taverna.
✓ Air-conditioned minibus service during the week.
✓ Guided tours in Estonian/English (guide Kadi Sentemente).
✓ Service of an Estonian-speaking tour guide at the destination.
✓ Morning yoga classes with a professional yoga teacher
✓ Timeless photos taken by a professional photographer
✓ Awareness trainer and counsellor lectures 4 times a week
next yoga retreats
Ajakava vaatamiseks ja sündmuse broneerimiseks klõpsake kuupäeval.
Avasta looduse vägi koos jooga ja eksklusiivse päikeseloojangu kontserdiga Rhodosel

Pikk nädalavahetus Ateenas
Kreeka peidetud pärlid

Day 1 – Yoga and healthy food. How to find the right yoga style for you?
Day 2 – How to find the right healthy way to exercise for you
Day 3 – exercise and healthy food.
Day 1 – arrivals and we will start our retreat with an opening circle and an introduction to our practices for the week. In the morning, we will have a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to ease into our practice. In the evening, we will have a guided Vipasana meditation session, using affirmations to ground ourselves and set our intentions for the week.
Day 2 – our morning yoga practice will focus on building strength and stability with a Vinyasa flow. In the evening, we will have a partner meditation session, where we will connect with each other and deepen our sense of community.
Day 3 – in the morning, we will have a restorative yoga session with a focus on breathwork and mindfulness, where we will move our bodies in different ways to release tension and promote relaxation. In the evening, we will practice mantra meditation, which will help us focus our minds and connect with our inner selves. We will conclude our practice with a Yoga Nidra, a deep relaxation meditation that will help us release tension and enter a state of deep rest.
Day 4 – today is our island tour day, where we will take a break from our yoga practice and explore the beautiful surroundings. We will have the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy some time outdoors. In our morning practice we will explore the healing power of breathwork.
Day 5 – we will start the day with a Tai Chi practice, a gentle and meditative art that promotes balance and flow. In the evening, we will have an ecstatic dance session, where we will move our bodies freely and express ourselves through movement.
Day 6 – today we will have a sailing experience in the evening, where we will connect with the water and enjoy a beautiful sunset on the boat. In the morning, we will have a Tantra yoga session to prepare ourselves for the day.
Day 7 – in the morning, we will have a partner yoga session, where we will deepen our connections with each other through movement and somatic work. In the evening, we will have a guided meditation session with a focus on gratitude and appreciation.
Day 8 – the day will start with a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to close our practice. To conclude we will have a Cacao ceremony, a heart-opening ritual that helps us connect with ourselves and others. We will reflect on our experiences during the retreat and share our insights and growth.
Day 1 – arrivals and we will start our retreat with an opening circle and an introduction to our practices for the week. In the morning, we will have a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to ease into our practice. In the evening, we will have a guided Vipasana meditation session, using affirmations to ground ourselves and set our intentions for the week.
Day 2 – our morning yoga practice will focus on building strength and stability with a Vinyasa flow. In the evening, we will have a partner meditation session, where we will connect with each other and deepen our sense of community.
Day 3 – in the morning, we will have a restorative yoga session with a focus on breathwork and mindfulness, where we will move our bodies in different ways to release tension and promote relaxation. In the evening, we will practice mantra meditation, which will help us focus our minds and connect with our inner selves. We will conclude our practice with a Yoga Nidra, a deep relaxation meditation that will help us release tension and enter a state of deep rest.
Day 4 – today is our island tour day, where we will take a break from our yoga practice and explore the beautiful surroundings. We will have the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy some time outdoors. In our morning practice we will explore the healing power of breathwork.
Day 5 – we will start the day with a Tai Chi practice, a gentle and meditative art that promotes balance and flow. In the evening, we will have an ecstatic dance session, where we will move our bodies freely and express ourselves through movement.
Day 6 – today we will have a sailing experience in the evening, where we will connect with the water and enjoy a beautiful sunset on the boat. In the morning, we will have a Tantra yoga session to prepare ourselves for the day.
Day 7 – in the morning, we will have a partner yoga session, where we will deepen our connections with each other through movement and somatic work. In the evening, we will have a guided meditation session with a focus on gratitude and appreciation.
Day 8 – the day will start with a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to close our practice. To conclude we will have a Cacao ceremony, a heart-opening ritual that helps us connect with ourselves and others. We will reflect on our experiences during the retreat and share our insights and growth.
Pikk nädalavahetus Ateenas
4 päeva, 3 ööd
Hind: 575€
Reisid toimuvad aastaringselt.
NB! Pikka nädalalõppu Ateenas saate planeerida ka just teile sobivatele kuupäevadele!
Tere tulemast ühte maailma vanimasse linna – kunsti ja kultuuri keskusesse!
Nelja päeva jooksul näete Ateenat erisugustest külgedest, naudite selle iidse linna ajalugu, saate osa kultuurist, kunstist ja maitsvast kreeka köögist!
Teie reisiprogramm:
1.päev: Saabumine Ateenasse. Saabumisel tervitab lennujaamas teid reisijuht ja transfeer sõidutab meid hotelli
2.päev: Syntagma – Ateena rahvuslik aed – Zeusi tempel – Ateena Akropol – Ateena Akrpoli muuseum
Hommikusöök hotellis. Meie ekskursioon algab Ateena südames asuvalt keskväljakult – Syntagmalt.
Syntagmal asub valgest marmorist ehitatud kolmekorruseline suursugune ehitis – Kreeka parlamendihoone, mille ees valvab Kreeka presidendi kaardivägi. Peale kaardiväe vahtkonnavahetust jalutame vaatama 24 hektaril laiuvat Ateena rahvuslikku aeda, mis rajati 1838. aastal Kreeka esimese kuninganna Amalia korraldusel. Roheala kujundas aga saksa agronoom Frederick Schmidt, kes lasi sellesse aeda istutada rohkem kui 500 liiki taimi; siin võib kohata ka paabulinde, parte ja kilpkonni.
Edasi läheme vaatama kreeka peajumal Zeusile pühendatud kuulsat templit, mida tänapäeval peetakse üheks linna väljendusrikkaimaks iidseks mälestiseks.
Päeva lõpetame Kreeka ühe olulisema vaatamisväärsuse – Ateena Akropoli ja muuseumi – külastusega.
3.päev: Plaka – Monastiraki – Rooma agora – Vana agora
Hommikusöök hotellis. Päeva alustame jalutuskäiguga Akropoli jalamil asuvas Plaka linnaosas, mis ühtlasi on ka Ateena vanalinn. See on suurepärane koht kreeka kultuuri, ajaloo ja arhidektuuri nautimiseks.
Akropoli põhjaküljel asuv Monastiraki on Ateena üks populaarsemaid ostupiirkondi, pakkudes võimalusi väga erinevatele maitsetele. Monastiraki värvilised terrassid kutsuvad linnakülalisi proovima kreeka rahvusroogasid ning nautima tõelist kreeka kohvi.
Jalutuskäik jätkub Rooma ajastust pärinevale Rooma agoraale, kus saab nautida ajaloolise linnaosa arhitektuuri ja atmosfääri. Edasi jalutades jõuame Kreeka pealinna ühte tähtsamasse paika – Vana-Agorale. Antiikajal oli Vana- Agora Ateena keskus, kus toimusid kõik olulised sündmused. Vana-Agora kõige põnevamate mälestusmärkide hulgas on Hephaestose tempel, mis on Kreeka kõige paremini säilinud iidne tempel, ja hiljuti renoveeritud Attalose Stoa. Stoa oli tegelikult Pergamuse kuninga Attaluse ehitatud (159–138 eKr) kaubandusturg. Täna töötab see muuseumina, kus on palju huvitavaid eksponaate, mis on leitud Vana-Agora väljakaevamistel. Päeva lõpetuseks jalutame Ateena tänavatel ja naudime selle iidse linna võlu.
4.päev: Tagasilend koju
Hommikusöök hotellis. Vastavalt lennugraafikule sõidutab transfeer meid lennujaama. Tagasilend Tallinnasse.
Reisipaketi hinnas sisaldub:
– TRANSFEERID. Transfeer lennujaamast hotelli ja tagasi lennujaama
– MAJUTUS. Ööbimine õdusas kesklinna hotellis Ateenas, Alva Athens Hotel, 3*
– TOITLUSTUS. Hommikusöök hinnas
– MEELDIV EESTI KEELT KÕNELEV REISIJUHT KOOS LITSENSEERITUD KREEKA GIIDIGA. Meie reisijuht tutvustab reisiprogrammi ning on Sinu jaoks terve reisi vältel olemas.
Hind ei sisalda:
– Lennupileteid Ateenasse ja tagasi Tallinnasse. Soovi korral aitame lennupiletite leidmisel
– Üheinimesetoa lisamaks (üksi reisivatele inimestele): 70 EUR/inimese kohta
– Kohapeal pakutavaid lisaekskursioone, isiklikke kulusid, lõunasööke, jooke
Võimalikud lisateenused:
– Bouzoukia (traditsiooniline kreeka õhtu, sisaldab kontserti koos õhtusöögi ja alkohoolsete jookidega) õhtu külastus 75 EUR/inimese kotha
Oluline teave:
– Reisikorraldajal on õigus teha muudatusi päevakavas eeldusel, et reisi kvaliteet ei muutu.
– Reis ei sobi osalise või täieliku liikumispuudega inimestele
Day 1 – arrivals and we will start our retreat with an opening circle and an introduction to our practices for the week. In the morning, we will have a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to ease into our practice. In the evening, we will have a guided Vipasana meditation session, using affirmations to ground ourselves and set our intentions for the week.
Day 2 – our morning yoga practice will focus on building strength and stability with a Vinyasa flow. In the evening, we will have a partner meditation session, where we will connect with each other and deepen our sense of community.
Day 3 – in the morning, we will have a restorative yoga session with a focus on breathwork and mindfulness, where we will move our bodies in different ways to release tension and promote relaxation. In the evening, we will practice mantra meditation, which will help us focus our minds and connect with our inner selves. We will conclude our practice with a Yoga Nidra, a deep relaxation meditation that will help us release tension and enter a state of deep rest.
Day 4 – today is our island tour day, where we will take a break from our yoga practice and explore the beautiful surroundings. We will have the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy some time outdoors. In our morning practice we will explore the healing power of breathwork.
Day 5 – we will start the day with a Tai Chi practice, a gentle and meditative art that promotes balance and flow. In the evening, we will have an ecstatic dance session, where we will move our bodies freely and express ourselves through movement.
Day 6 – today we will have a sailing experience in the evening, where we will connect with the water and enjoy a beautiful sunset on the boat. In the morning, we will have a Tantra yoga session to prepare ourselves for the day.
Day 7 – in the morning, we will have a partner yoga session, where we will deepen our connections with each other through movement and somatic work. In the evening, we will have a guided meditation session with a focus on gratitude and appreciation.
Day 8 – the day will start with a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to close our practice. To conclude we will have a Cacao ceremony, a heart-opening ritual that helps us connect with ourselves and others. We will reflect on our experiences during the retreat and share our insights and growth.
7 päeva, 6 ööd
Hind: 850€
Reisid toimuvad aastaringselt.
Tere tulemast iidsesse ajaloohälli- Kreekasse!
Selle nädala jooksul tunnete end osana ajaloost, kultuurist ja avastate koos meiega Kreeka peidetud pärle.
Teie reisiprogramm:
1. päev: Saabumine Ateenasse. Saabumisel tervitab lennujaamas teid reisijuht ja transfeer sõidutab hotelli. Valikuline lisaekskursioon: Bouzoukia (traditsiooniline kreeka õhtu, sisaldab kontserti koos õhtusöögi ja alkohoolsete jookidega) õhtu külastus.
2. päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Sõidame läbi imekauni
Peloponnesose maastiku ja jõuame Parnassose mäe jalamil asuvasse Vana-Kreeka ühte kuulsamasse kultuskohta, mis oli kogu Kreeka maailma keskpunkt – omphalos ja siit saadud ennustus usuti olevat alati eksimatu. Selle paiga enneolematu aura koos imeliste loodusvaadetega teeb selle koha väga eriliseks. Imetleme kõrgusesse küündivate sihvakate template sambaid, külastame muuseumit ja tutvume rikkaliku ekspositsiooniga, kus saab näha ehitiste fragmente, erinevat keraamikat ja kõike muud, mida just siit, Delfist leitud on. Õhtuhakul alustame sõitu Kalambaka linna suunas, mis asub maalilise Meteora jalamil. Ööbimine Kalambakas.
3.päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Külastame Kreeka üht ilusamat ajaloolist paika, unikaalset Meteorat. Meteora on tõeline looduslik meistriteos, mis näitab oma ainulaadset ilu ja hiilgust läbi sajandite ning lummab igat külastajat esimesest silmapilgust. Tagasiteel Ateenasse teeme peatuse Termopüülide maakitsusel. Ööbimine Ateenas.
4.päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Sõidame Peloponnesose poolsaarele, mida arvatakse olevat Kreeka mandriosa ajaloo alguseks. Külastame antiiklegendidest tuttavaks saanud Mükeenet, Argost ja vaba Kreeka esimest pealinna, Nafpliost. Iidne Epidauros koos oma unikaalse akustikaga teatri ning Vahemeremaade ühe tähtsama asklepioniga, mis oli pühitsetud arstikunsti jumalale Asklepiosele, annavad võimaluse tunda end osana ajaloost. Ööbimine Ateenas.
5.päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Vaba päev. Valikuline lisaekskursioon: Aegina, Porose ja Hydra saartele. Ööbimine Ateenas.
6.päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Meie ekskursioon algab Ateena südames asuvalt keskväljakult – Syntagmalt.
Syntagmal asub valgest marmorist ehitatud kolmekorruseline suursugune ehitis – Kreeka parlamendihoone, mille ees valvab Kreeka presidendi kaardivägi. Peale kaardiväe vahtkonnavahetust jalutame vaatama 24 hektaril laiuvat Ateena rahvuslikku aeda, mis rajati 1838. aastal Kreeka esimese kuninganna Amalia korraldusel. Roheala kujundas aga saksa agronoom Frederick Schmidt, kes lasi sellesse aeda istutada rohkem kui 500 liiki taimi; siin võib kohata ka paabulinde, parte ja kilpkonni.
Ekskursiooni lõpetame Kreeka ühe olulisema vaatamisväärsuse – Ateena Akropoli ja muuseumi – külastusega.
7.päev: Hommikusöök hotellis. Vastavalt lennugraafikule sõidutab transfeer meid lennujaama. Tagasilend Tallinnasse.
Reisipaketi hinnas sisaldub:
– TRANSFEERID. Transfeer lennujaamast hotelli ja tagasi lennujaama
– MAJUTUS. Ööbimine õdusates kesklinna hotellides Ateenas, Alva Athens Hotel, 3*, Kalambakas, Kaikis Hotel3*
– TOITLUSTUS. Hommikusöök hinnas
– MEELDIV EESTI KEELT KÕNELEV REISIJUHT KOOS LITSENSEERITUD KREEKA GIIDIGA. Meie reisijuht tutvustab reisiprogrammi ning on Sinu jaoks terve reisi vältel olemas.
Hind ei sisalda:
– Lennupileteid Ateenasse ja tagasi Tallinnasse. Soovi korral aitame lennupiletite leidmisel
– Üheinimesetoa lisamaks (üksi reisivatele inimestele): 50 EUR/inimese kohta
– Kohapeal pakutavaid lisaekskursioone, isiklikke kulusid, lõunasööke, jooke
– Võimalikud lisateenused:
– Bouzoukia (traditsiooniline kreeka õhtu, sisaldab kontserti koos õhtusöögi ja alkohoolsete jookidega) õhtu külastus 75 EUR/inimese kotha
– Laevaekskursioon Aegina, Porose ja Hydra saartele (sisaldab transferi sadamasse, lõunasööki ja ekskursioone saartel) 155 EUR/inimese kotha
Oluline teave:
– Reisikorraldajal on õigus teha muudatusi päevakavas eeldusel, et reisi kvaliteet ei muutu.
– Reis ei sobi osalise või täieliku liikumispuudega inimestele
Day 1 – arrivals and we will start our retreat with an opening circle and an introduction to our practices for the week. In the morning, we will have a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to ease into our practice. In the evening, we will have a guided Vipasana meditation session, using affirmations to ground ourselves and set our intentions for the week.
Day 2 – our morning yoga practice will focus on building strength and stability with a Vinyasa flow. In the evening, we will have a partner meditation session, where we will connect with each other and deepen our sense of community.
Day 3 – in the morning, we will have a restorative yoga session with a focus on breathwork and mindfulness, where we will move our bodies in different ways to release tension and promote relaxation. In the evening, we will practice mantra meditation, which will help us focus our minds and connect with our inner selves. We will conclude our practice with a Yoga Nidra, a deep relaxation meditation that will help us release tension and enter a state of deep rest.
Day 4 – today is our island tour day, where we will take a break from our yoga practice and explore the beautiful surroundings. We will have the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy some time outdoors. In our morning practice we will explore the healing power of breathwork.
Day 5 – we will start the day with a Tai Chi practice, a gentle and meditative art that promotes balance and flow. In the evening, we will have an ecstatic dance session, where we will move our bodies freely and express ourselves through movement.
Day 6 – today we will have a sailing experience in the evening, where we will connect with the water and enjoy a beautiful sunset on the boat. In the morning, we will have a Tantra yoga session to prepare ourselves for the day.
Day 7 – in the morning, we will have a partner yoga session, where we will deepen our connections with each other through movement and somatic work. In the evening, we will have a guided meditation session with a focus on gratitude and appreciation.
Day 8 – the day will start with a gentle Integral Hatha yoga session to close our practice. To conclude we will have a Cacao ceremony, a heart-opening ritual that helps us connect with ourselves and others. We will reflect on our experiences during the retreat and share our insights and growth.
Flight Tallinn – Rhodes
15.30 – 20.30 Estimated time of arrival at the accommodation.
22.00 Late night dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “What is awareness? Exercises.”
13.30 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00-21.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the good life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departure for island tour
We will visit the beautiful places and hidden gems of Rhodes. We start with a climb from the top of the second hill of Rhodes Island, Profitis Ilias, 760 m above sea level. On the way, we visit the Byzantine-era Foundoukli Sanctuary. We can walk in the ruins of Mussolini’s residence, which offers a magnificent view of the island’s western coast. At the foot of the hill, among the woods, 52 species of orchids sprout in spring. A photographer will capture the beauty of you and the mountains! We will taste the delicacies of the Italian bakery and enjoy a good coffee.
We will then continue our journey, stopping in the villages of Embona and Siana to discover what these villages have to offer. On the rest of the way, we will visit the Monolithos Fortress, built in 1480, and then head to the southernmost tip of Rhodes Island, Prasonis Beach. We will swim and enjoy the waves in two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
The last stop on the island tour is at Lindos to enjoy the wonderful views and feel part of history in the ruins of the Acropolis of Lindos.
Lunch will be served in the southern part of the island (not included in the package price).
19.00-20.30 dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast.
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Brain and well-being – how does the brain work and affect our well-being? Attention and concentration exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00 Dinner (for those who wish, a visit to Rhodes town is possible, not included in the price)
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 16.00 Sailing at sea. We will start the round trip from Mandraki harbour and sail along the east coast of the island. The Mediterranean Sea, full of bright blue and brightly coloured fish, invites you to dive into the waves. Stops will be made at various coves and beaches. It’s a wonderful day to enjoy the sea and the warm summer sun.
A light lunch on a sailboat.
16.00 Back in port
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
18.45 – 20.45 Dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “How to keep your mental health or well-being? Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
19.30 Departure for a traditional Greek evening to feel Greek, taste the delicacies of Greek cuisine and dance Sirtaki.
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Self-friendliness and benevolence. Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.00 free time
17.00 Visit to Tsambika church and sunset meditation.
20.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the meaning of life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
Departure from Rhodes airport.
Flight Rhodes- Tallinn
mediate, to heal your body, soul, and mind.
Give this change for yourself and join with us.
Together with the scorching sun by the warm sea we combine yoga, meditation, introspection, and experiences of awareness in the fresh air, together with the precious Greek history and authentic Greek cuisine. We will enjoy the pristine nature and hidden gems of Rhodes.
Yoga instructor Dimitra Evangelopoulou is certified in Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga.
Yoga, Yoga, Yoga, Yoga and Pilates teacher. Dimitra has been a yoga teacher for 6 years in Thessaloniki,
Rhodes and other Greek islands. Dimitra has conducted yoga master classes.
Her passion and mission is to enhance people’s well-being through yoga, meditation and yoga classes.
and breathing techniques.
Kersti Türk, mindfulness trainer and counsellor, conducts workshops on:
– What is mindfulness?
– What is mindfulness – how does the brain work and affect our well-being?
– How does the brain and how does it work?
– Self-friendliness and benevolence
– Mindfulness, concentration and mindfulness exercises
Great quality and timeless memories in a predominantly smartphone-free campsite collected by yoga camp photographer Rene Türk, whose captured photos are will be available to all camp participants. There is also the possibility to book a personal photo session in Rhodes for an additional fee.
The yoga camp will take place 25.05-01.06.2023 in Rhodos (non-refundable deposit of 200 EUR) and registration payment of the remaining amount 27.03.2023.
The yoga camp trips start and end in Rhodes, max 15 people per group.
Length of yoga camp: 1 week (direct flights with Novatours are recommended).
Price: 1200€ without flight ticket.
Price includes:
– Transfer from the airport to the accommodation and back to the airport at the end of the camp.
– Accommodation in a small and cosy aparthotel from airport transfer from the airport to the airport and back.
– Meals: breakfast in the aparthotel and dinner in a traditional Greek taverna.
– Air-conditioned minibus service during the week.
– Guided tours in English/Estonian (guided by Kadi Sentemente)
– Morning and evening yoga sessions with a professional yoga instructor.
– Timeless photos taken by a professional photographer
– Mindfulness trainer and counsellor seminars 4 times a week
15.25 – 19.30 Flight Tallinn – Rhodes
15.30 – 20.30 Estimated time of arrival at the accommodation.
22.00 Late night dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “What is awareness? Exercises.”
13.30 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00-21.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the good life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departure for island tour
We will visit the beautiful places and hidden gems of Rhodes. We start with a climb from the top of the second hill of Rhodes Island, Profitis Ilias, 760 m above sea level. On the way, we visit the Byzantine-era Foundoukli Sanctuary. We can walk in the ruins of Mussolini’s residence, which offers a magnificent view of the island’s western coast. At the foot of the hill, among the woods, 52 species of orchids sprout in spring. A photographer will capture the beauty of you and the mountains! We will taste the delicacies of the Italian bakery and enjoy a good coffee.
We will then continue our journey, stopping in the villages of Embona and Siana to discover what these villages have to offer. On the rest of the way, we will visit the Monolithos Fortress, built in 1480, and then head to the southernmost tip of Rhodes Island, Prasonis Beach. We will swim and enjoy the waves in two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
The last stop on the island tour is at Lindos to enjoy the wonderful views and feel part of history in the ruins of the Acropolis of Lindos.
Lunch will be served in the southern part of the island (not included in the package price).
19.00-20.30 dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast.
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Brain and well-being – how does the brain work and affect our well-being? Attention and concentration exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00 Dinner (for those who wish, a visit to Rhodes town is possible, not included in the price)
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 16.00 Sailing at sea. We will start the round trip from Mandraki harbour and sail along the east coast of the island. The Mediterranean Sea, full of bright blue and brightly coloured fish, invites you to dive into the waves. Stops will be made at various coves and beaches. It’s a wonderful day to enjoy the sea and the warm summer sun.
A light lunch on a sailboat.
16.00 Back in port
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
18.45 – 20.45 Dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “How to keep your mental health or well-being? Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
19.30 Departure for a traditional Greek evening to feel Greek, taste the delicacies of Greek cuisine and dance Sirtaki.
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Self-friendliness and benevolence. Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.00 free time
17.00 Visit to Tsambika church and sunset meditation.
20.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the meaning of life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
17.00 Dinner
18.30 Departure from Rhodes airport.
20.30 – 00.45 Flight Rhodes- Tallinn
George Patounas – Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner
Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher Practitioner (licence 335)
Grand Master Practitioner Teacher – Lemurian Atlantic Healing (Higher form of Reiki)
Deep Tissue Massage
Dry Needling
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
Justice of the Peace (Qual), Dip MCA, MCP, GCPM
Wanting to learn more, he enrolled in a Degree Course in TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine. This gave him a higher learning about Chi (The bodies Energy centre, and how to heal the human body. After that he embarked on his new path of Healing through Massage, Moxa Therapy and Acupuncture.
Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher Practitioner (license 334)
Mindfulness and Meditation
Crystal Healing, Sound and Energy Therapies
Give this change for yourself and join with us.
and Soul” in Rhodes.
“Everything flows, and nothing abides, everything gives way, and nothing
stays fixed.”
Together with the caressing autumn sun by the warm sea, we combine the
experiences of yoga, meditation, introspection, and awareness in the
fresh air with dignified Greek history and authentic Greek cuisine.
We will get to know about cosmic energy, reiki, energy sound therapy and
crystals that you can find also in Rhodes. We enjoy the unspoilt nature
and the hidden gems of Rhodes.
past events
15.25 – 19.30 Flight Tallinn – Rhodes
15.30 – 20.30 Estimated time of arrival at the accommodation.
22.00 Late night dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “What is awareness? Exercises.”
13.30 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00-21.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the good life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departure for island tour
We will visit the beautiful places and hidden gems of Rhodes. We start with a climb from the top of the second hill of Rhodes Island, Profitis Ilias, 760 m above sea level. On the way, we visit the Byzantine-era Foundoukli Sanctuary. We can walk in the ruins of Mussolini’s residence, which offers a magnificent view of the island’s western coast. At the foot of the hill, among the woods, 52 species of orchids sprout in spring. A photographer will capture the beauty of you and the mountains! We will taste the delicacies of the Italian bakery and enjoy a good coffee.
We will then continue our journey, stopping in the villages of Embona and Siana to discover what these villages have to offer. On the rest of the way, we will visit the Monolithos Fortress, built in 1480, and then head to the southernmost tip of Rhodes Island, Prasonis Beach. We will swim and enjoy the waves in two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
The last stop on the island tour is at Lindos to enjoy the wonderful views and feel part of history in the ruins of the Acropolis of Lindos.
Lunch will be served in the southern part of the island (not included in the package price).
19.00-20.30 dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast.
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Brain and well-being – how does the brain work and affect our well-being? Attention and concentration exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00 Dinner (for those who wish, a visit to Rhodes town is possible, not included in the price)
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 16.00 Sailing at sea. We will start the round trip from Mandraki harbour and sail along the east coast of the island. The Mediterranean Sea, full of bright blue and brightly coloured fish, invites you to dive into the waves. Stops will be made at various coves and beaches. It’s a wonderful day to enjoy the sea and the warm summer sun.
A light lunch on a sailboat.
16.00 Back in port
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
18.45 – 20.45 Dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “How to keep your mental health or well-being? Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
19.30 Departure for a traditional Greek evening to feel Greek, taste the delicacies of Greek cuisine and dance Sirtaki.
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Self-friendliness and benevolence. Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.00 free time
17.00 Visit to Tsambika church and sunset meditation.
20.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the meaning of life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
17.00 Dinner
18.30 Departure from Rhodes airport.
20.30 – 00.45 Flight Rhodes- Tallinn
15.25 – 19.30 Flight Tallinn – Rhodes
15.30 – 20.30 Estimated time of arrival at the accommodation.
22.00 Late night dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “What is awareness? Exercises.”
13.30 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00-21.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the good life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 Departure for island tour
We will visit the beautiful places and hidden gems of Rhodes. We start with a climb from the top of the second hill of Rhodes Island, Profitis Ilias, 760 m above sea level. On the way, we visit the Byzantine-era Foundoukli Sanctuary. We can walk in the ruins of Mussolini’s residence, which offers a magnificent view of the island’s western coast. At the foot of the hill, among the woods, 52 species of orchids sprout in spring. A photographer will capture the beauty of you and the mountains! We will taste the delicacies of the Italian bakery and enjoy a good coffee.
We will then continue our journey, stopping in the villages of Embona and Siana to discover what these villages have to offer. On the rest of the way, we will visit the Monolithos Fortress, built in 1480, and then head to the southernmost tip of Rhodes Island, Prasonis Beach. We will swim and enjoy the waves in two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
The last stop on the island tour is at Lindos to enjoy the wonderful views and feel part of history in the ruins of the Acropolis of Lindos.
Lunch will be served in the southern part of the island (not included in the package price).
19.00-20.30 dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast.
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Brain and well-being – how does the brain work and affect our well-being? Attention and concentration exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.30 – 18.30 Yoga
19.00 Dinner (for those who wish, a visit to Rhodes town is possible, not included in the price)
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 16.00 Sailing at sea. We will start the round trip from Mandraki harbour and sail along the east coast of the island. The Mediterranean Sea, full of bright blue and brightly coloured fish, invites you to dive into the waves. Stops will be made at various coves and beaches. It’s a wonderful day to enjoy the sea and the warm summer sun.
A light lunch on a sailboat.
16.00 Back in port
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
18.45 – 20.45 Dinner
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “How to keep your mental health or well-being? Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.30 Free time
17.00 – 18.00 Yoga
19.30 Departure for a traditional Greek evening to feel Greek, taste the delicacies of Greek cuisine and dance Sirtaki.
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.30 – 12.00 Seminar on “Self-friendliness and benevolence. Exercises.”
12.00 – 17.00 free time
17.00 Visit to Tsambika church and sunset meditation.
20.00 Socratic dinner on “What is the meaning of life?”
07.30 – 08.45 Yoga
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
17.00 Dinner
18.30 Departure from Rhodes airport.
20.30 – 00.45 Flight Rhodes- Tallinn